Time for Serenity

Did I happen to tell you that I am a huge fan of the 'Firefly' TV series as well as 'Serenity'? They're the same - one is a TV series, another one is a film. 'Firefly' is not only a series, it's a CULT!


Firefly fans call themselves 'Browncoats', named after independence fighters in the television series. My favorite characters are Captain Reynolds and the sweet but sometimes extremely dangerous River Tam. Nathan Fillion did a really great job being 'The Captain' and Summer Glau really sizzles ... I love them!

River Tam cleared a bar, shot 3 men with her eyes closed, and took care of a room full of worst-than-zombies head ripping, blood sucking, skin tearing monsters. She is sweet, she is vulnerable, but at the same time deadly. The Alliance refers to her as a 'deadly weapon'.

You can buy 'Serenity' online at VideoEzy's website - http://www.videoezy.com.my/product-details.php?id=693. Don't waste time with the DVD, head for the Blu-Ray.

If you're a science fiction fan, you'll love 'Serenity'.


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