2 Broke Girls Season 3 : A DEATH??

Did someone die in the first episode of '2 Broke Girls'' Season 3?

Terrie: Missing my 2 Broke Girls ladies, so any scoop on the first episode would be much appreciated.
In the season premiere of the CBS comedy, there will be a death! Mwah-ha-ha! (That was an evil laugh, in case it didn't come across in print form). Don't worry, Max and Caroline survive the episode, but we can't promise a patron of their cupcake business will make it out alive.
The above news sourced from E! News is going around blogs and websites like it's the only 'leak' from the series' season 3 production which started hardly a month ago.

There's going to be a death - is someone, or something, going to die? Or got killed or murdered? And since it's rumored that it's going to be 'a patron of their cupcake business', did the new walk-up cupcake shop 'celebrated' its opening with someone getting slayed?

'Make it out alive' sounded more like SOMETHING came crashing down hard on, or into, the shop - did another car came crashing in like one did on the 18th episode of Season 2? Did the ceiling finally fall down after all these years?

Either way, I am glad the girls would be able to make it. We'll have to wait until September 23rd, 2013 for the Season 3 premier!

Happy viewing!


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