CHANGE. For a better and cleaner MALAYSIA!

'UBAH Sekarang, Bersihkan Malaysia' means 'Change Now, Cleanse Malaysia'.

I would like to see this comes to pass. Malaysians are sick and tired of corruption, illicit outflow of our money amounting to hundreds of Billions of Ringgit, politicians plundering our country of its natural resources, taking every opportunity to enrich themselves, enrich their friends, family and relatives. We had 56 years of the same ... that's HALF A DECADE.

We need to CHANGE.

We need a change of regime, we need fresh ideas, we need young blood to run the country, we need new faces to lead Malaysia. After 56 years of the same, it's about time!

2013 Election campaign theme song 'Ubah' - Malay version.

2013 Election campaign theme song 'Ubah' - Chinese version.


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