CHANGE. For the better.
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I am not a die-hard politics fan, but I want change. Most of the time, we demand change due to the fact that the current folks are not performing, but I am not into this thing called the school of 'one guy is not good, so everyone is not good' thought. I am in for letting him stay if he has done well.
Malaysian politics is no longer about letting who stay and letting who go now isn't it? This guy has worked too long, 5 decades to the exact. His herd is obsolete. I know they are trying very hard to keep their political career but don't you think it's time to let the other side rule? Nobody is saying about kicking you off the boat into the waters where you can't swim and eventually drown and all. Look at the oppositions, they have been there all these while you guys are ruling and would there be any harm letting them rise up and lead the country?
I am all in for change, new leaders, new ideas and a fresh proposal to drive Malaysia on.
When people ask me who do I support, who would I want to be the next Government, I would always say I'll vote for change. Whenever there is a need for change, there are always drastic decisions to make. You don't wake up every morning, go over the same daily routine and call it a change. People who can do the same thing for 55 years and still asking to do the same for another 55 years are either stupid or scared. Gone are the days of 'not rocking the boat' - you HAVE to rock the boat when you are not going anywhere. Whoever is rowing your boat is not carrying gently down the stream, so yeah, you are not going about merrily merrily merrily, and life is ... you are right, still 'nothing but a dream'!
Some people shoot the boatman ... but I am not into gun violence.
Jom Ubah.
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