"Window of Opportunity" - Easing the '2 Broke Girls' Fever

Once and a while we would come across small windows of opportunity which we could have passed on or grabbed so tight we keep all other opportunities out. On the other hand, we let some decisions shape our lives when we take that chance at the one opportunity which we know we won't pass on ...

Source : sidereel.com

In Season 2 Finale 'Window of Opportunity', Max, Caroline and Han stumbled upon a dark, dirty and neglected room, which the girls had volunteered to clean up because they needed the money. Han wasn't really happy at the fact they he got a 'B' for his diner's health inspection, mainly because he didn't know about the existence of this section of his diner.

Source : CityTV

While cleaning up the web-infested room, the girls found their spot for the next cupcake shop, which I found to be a lovely idea. A walk-up window store is all you need if you're serving cupcakes daily to passerby customers of a busy Williamsburg!

While life can throw all kinds of crap at you, do not fail to see that little stream of light coming through from time to time. When you fall, just remember to get up as fast as you can!

"Two Broke Girls" premieres with Season 3 in September 2013!
All the best, girls!


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