2 girls would still be broke for another season? Season 3 renewal for '2 Broke Girls' by CBS

Max, Caroline and the folks at the Williamsburg Diner would still be entertaining us with their racial, sexy and ridiculous jokes at '2 Broke Girls' with CBS renewing them for a 3rd season - Han Lee the boy-man cum owner of the diner, Oleg with his butt-smacking sexual hit-on jokes and Earl the funny old man who doesn't have a care of the world about what others say or think about him - he only have a job, getting drunk on pay day, and loves to reminiscent about his music and cocaine past, his moves with the ladies, and children he almost never knew.

Source: CBS.com
If you have not seen this series, you should!

'2 Broke Girls' talk about NOT talking about 'vagina'. Credit: CBS.com

'2 Broke Girls' - Max caught Caroline masturbating! Credit: CBS.com

'2 Broke Girls' has Earl as the Williamsburg Diner's cashier. He is 75 and he is funny!

'2 Broke Girls' has Oleg the Ukranian cook at the Williamsburg Diner. ALL sexist jokes come from him ... you can either like him or hate him. Either way, he is really funny!

Astro would never air this show on any of its channels due to the nature of the jokes - '2 Broke Girls' have everything from religious to sexist stuff, typically acceptable in true democratic countries. Nope, not here. If you are able to get this series with any other means ... Happy Viewing!


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